Originally released by the Moody Blues in 1969, Nights in White Satin was re-released in approximately 1974 as a single. With “FM” stereo still in it’s infancy, the pop “AM” stations, who would not play songs longer than two minutes, left off the chilling “poem” (early rock-rap?), that was an integral part of the original song. Being a rock purist and aficionado, even in middle school, I had the original recording on vinyl. MANY years later, I still remember the words by heart…
NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN, ending poetry
Breathe deep, the gathering gloom;
Watch lights fade in every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament-
Another day’s useless in years spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one;
A lonely man cries for love and has none;
A new mother picks up and suckles her son;
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold hearted orb, that rules the night;
Removes the color from our sight –
Red is grey and yellow white.
But we decide which is right;
And which is an illusion.
©1969 The Moody Blues, from the album version of “Nights in White Satin”.