Monday, June 11, 2012

Goldfish and Soy Sauce

Monday, June 11
Wow, I can ramble on with some crap, huh?  My apologies. 
I finally got some sleep this weekend, and spent some time on Oxygen.  I woke up late this morning, feeling very good.  Insomnia is one of the more difficult symptoms to deal with, and the raging moods and insignificant minutia.  Sill, I track my loud complaints and sleepless nights, to journal this experience.
Sometimes I need to plant some seeds, but it’s not the kind of thing one can plan.  Going to look for someone who is in need for that purpose isn’t genuine, it doesn’t work that way.  It is more of a “what would you do?” type phenomenon; someone must trust me enough to ask me for help.  Then, do I have the character, the strength, the love to be there for them, as well as the insight and honesty to know if I am capable of helping them. 
From a place I would never have expected, I was asked and was able to be there.  I believe that I attracted the request because I was honestly open for it. I also believe that I received more than I gave. 
In other news, I went fishing yesterday, but didn’t catch anything.
Two weeks ago, Donna brought me an Aquarium!  We set it up, and let the water set for two entire weeks.  She brought a plant over, and made a great home for my future new pet.  Yesterday, she came to take me to get a fish for it.
I was disorganized, and it took me forever to get ready.  I was also clumsy and knocked a bottle of soy sauce on the floor.  What a mess!  Of course, Donna rushed to help me clean it up…hell, she did clean it up.  Her little 5 y/o girl was mopping, too cute.  One comedy of errs after another and we went out and ended up back at my place sans fish.  Thank you Donna, for having the patience of Job with me!  We will get a fish soon, I’m sure, and I will post a picture of it. 
More later!
Winking smile

1 comment:

  1. Fish or no (and even with the soy sauce), it's always my pleasure. I am anxious, however, to see the tank occupied. It's an accomplishment for me to have learned the art of maintaining an aquarium. Now, if I could just keep plants alive. :\
    I'm glad you got some sleep and are feeling well. Cya soon! d
